Heather Humphreys TD and her team are committed to protecting your privacy online. Visitors can use most of the features of this website without being personally identified.
We closely monitor the site’s activity in order to provide a better service to the online user. We keep aggregated site statistics (such as the number of visitors to the site) to monitor the website’s performance.
We do not disclose information that may identify individuals, companies or candidates, unless we have your permission to do so. We use Cookies to help us gather some useful information on your use of this website. A “cookie” is a small file sent to your browser by our web server, which enables your computer to access information on our Site in a faster and more efficient manner. This mechanism provides us with information such as the volume of repeat visits, the source of site visits, and the most popular browsers being used by visitors.
Where you contact Heather Humphreys TD and her team, we will keep a record of your personal details and comments/enquiry until your enquiry has been satisfactorily resolved. Heather Humphreys TD and her team will only share your details and views with others in order to resolve your enquiry.
Heather Humphreys TD and her team reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy. Please check the terms of the Policy from time to time to be aware of such changes.If you have any questions in relation to this Policy, please get in contact with us.